Saturday, June 15, 2024

A small gathering of recent work both personal and professional.


Monday, February 23, 2015

hi guys, well...its been quite awhiiiile. Many a good thing happened since ther last post. getting back to my forgotten blog and starting off with some info about an event ill be apart of coming up soon. ill be there selling prints and participating in the 80s fantasy movie, gallery show that night.  Be sure to checck out " a little known shop" on facebook and instagram to get cool updadtes on the shows and upcoming events. And if youd like to see what ive been up to you can vist my art page on facebook at or my instagram : @solizart  more stuff to come all, see ya soon :)

Thursday, March 6, 2014

ta da

so heres whgat i kept trying to post yesterday. i been watching the old xmen cartoon and of course it made me wanna draw my fav. wanna get the final one colored soon

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

akmost a wednsdays woman

hi people, so ive been trying to load thesetwo drawings for ya but it just keeps circling and nada happens. i give up for now but im gonna try from a diffeeent computer tomorrow

Friday, February 14, 2014

but its not Wednsday ?

hi guys like i promised here is the color version from wed. drawing. As well as a look at a new series of drawings Ill be showing more of in the coming months. Gay coulpes in loving relationships, relationships no different from other couples in love :) more on that soon. Happy   Valentines Day everybody! :)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wedsndays Woman

"Allo, though its not colored yet just wanted to share the final drawing for my Valentines Day post, hope you didnt forget Valentines is this week lol. Ill post the update friday. See you guys next week.